"The Reservoir" Nominated for the Best of the Net 2017

The editors over at Vox Poetica just sent news that my poem "The Reservoir" is one of their six nominees for the 2017 edition of The Best of the Net. I'm happy to share this honor with Moriah LaChapell, Nancy Scott McBride, John J. McKenna, Mel Paisley, and Simon Perchik. Good luck to all, and thank you again to the editorial team at Vox Poetica! 


Best of the Net Nomination, 2013

I'd like to thank Thick With Conviction editor Danielle Masters for nominating my work, "The Young of Stray Dogs," for the 'Best of the Net' award. Poems selected by the 'Best of the Net' committee appear in their annual anthology (produced by Sundress Publications). I've received a couple of nominations in the past, but not since my attention has shifted more toward fiction in the last couple of years, so this is much appreciated.