A Review of The Village Booksmith


223 Main Street, Hudson Falls, NY

Just up the street from the large traffic circle in the enter of Hudson Falls is a quaint little book shop, The Village Booksmith, which is anything but quaint and little once you walk inside the doors. Once inside, that deep aroma of old books, hardcover binding, and aged ink on the page will fill you with that excited eagerness that comes when you know you’re about to explore a bookshop with depth, history, and loads of hidden gems.

Upon walking inside, the kind and helpful owners explained the layout of the shop and how to find the prices of everything within, and then we were left to browse at out leisure. On this particular day we had a slight time constraint, so we only stayed a little while, but I quickly discovered I’d have to return for a thorough visit to stock up on beautiful older editions of some of my favorite books. For example, I found a near perfect paperback collection of Lloyd Alexander’s Prydain Chronicles in the children’s section, which I kicked myself for not being able to buy—I came without cash, which is what they accept, so don’t make my mistake!

The multiple rooms and floors throughout were not only unexpected from the modest exterior but were chock full with classic editions of old favorites, bestsellers, classics, and lost treasures. The older editions (going back generations) were in great shape for out-of-print paperbacks and hardcovers. The mass market paperbacks (covering an entire long aisle and making up the bulk of the sci-fi section) were a bit more worn but nothing too bad or unreadable, and the prices were very fair, many for a dollar or two, three, a few more for nicer hardcovers or newer editions of books, and of course a bit more yet for really pristine vintage titles.


I roamed from room to room and found the shop well organized and well stocked, covering almost all the possible categories and genres, from fiction, mystery, sci-fi, poetry, drama, and children’s to science and animals, history and war, economics and music, witchcraft and new age, health and fitness, on and on. Upstairs were vast long rows and shadowy rooms full of biographies and more fiction, huge sections of them, plus rooms with travel, language, education, and more. The selection was robust and the titles were eclectic and interesting. This is definitely a store I plan to go back and explore at length, and with cash on hand! I highly recommend the trip to Hudson Falls from wherever you are for this great hidden gem.

Atmosphere — That aroma of used books, the paper, the binding, books stacked on the floor, in rows, on tables, a real trove and a real treat to explore. I also enjoyed the light blue shelves that matched the shop’s exterior.  

Quality — There are older editions here, ranging from pristine hardcovers from the early 20th century to well-read mass markets. But there are newer editions mixed in here and there too.   

Quantity ­­— There are a TON of books in here, piled high into a few rooms on the ground floor and a large room upstairs. Take your time exploring!

Diversity — This shop hits most of the usual categories, with plenty of fiction, history, and children’s, and biographies.

Affordability — The books were all very fairly priced and I wish I brought cash because there were a bunch I wanted within minutes of browsing.  

Amenities — There are some chairs and stools throughout, but you’re there to shop in this one.

Location — Just a block or so from the traffic circle in Hudson Falls, which is a short hop southeast from Glens Falls.    

Customer Service — The two owners were very helpful and friendly and I hope our paths cross again soon when I return!

Overall — This shop is loaded with treasures to explore, carefully curated, and all manner of nooks and corners to browse through, your classic used bookshop. Explore and enjoy!     

(Cover image borrowed from their Facebook page.)
