A Review of The Bear & Bee Bookshop

28 Holden Street, North Adams, MA

North Adams is one of many artistic bastions in the hills and mountains of western Massachusetts, and Mass MoCA is one of it’s major draws, hosting art exhibitions, music festivals, and cultural events year-round. So for a town as interesting as North Adams, I expected a bevy of bookstores. I only found one, The Bear and Bee, a new and used bookshop, but it does a phenomenal job of representing the literary interests of the area.

Adorned with string-lights overhead, nooks with chairs to rest and read, paintings and maps on the walls, and a book tree in the center of the shop, The Bear and Bee looks exactly how you’d hope a bookshop in North Adams might: eclectic, inviting, diverse, and artistic. The major genres and categories are all represented on the shelves, with subcategories broken down into things like urban design and architecture, BLM, sex positive and feminism, stargazing, eastern and western religion, slavery, civil rights, shoah, body/mind wellness, and of course music, cooking, history, biography, essays, and the other biggies.

The store has a nook for children’s fiction and nonfiction, a nice science section, and a sprawling fiction section with separate shelves for mystery/crime and YA. In the very back by the other entrance I found a few shelves of free books that ranged from some mystery to self-help, tech, cooking, and social issue titles. This is always huge. Discounted books in any shop is a big plus, but free is an extra gold star. And up near the front desk there’s a “new arrivals” section where the newest used books are located until they make their way into the other sections.

Spread throughout the rest of the shop are small pockets of gifts, postcards, art prints, mugs, pens, art supplies, and so much more. There’s a little something for everyone in here, and I wandered the store for far longer than usual, seeing something new with each pass through. I only bought half the books I wanted to, knowing I’d be back one day. The staff were friendly and generous, and I’m eager to return to browse and buy again. I couldn’t recommend it more!

Atmosphere — With blue wooden floors, big windows, string lights, a book tree, and a variety of displays and shelves, the shop is an interesting and eclectic place to browse.

Quality — The books, new and used, are in good shape, with plenty of newer editions, some older editions mixed in, and now and then a vintage title.

Quantity ­­— There are a lot of books in this shop, no sparse shelves in sight.

Diversity — This shop hits the usual categories, with plenty of fiction, history, and a wide array of nonfiction, and some interesting smaller sub-categories to explore too.

Affordability — The books were all very fairly priced, with a free shelf in the back too.  

Amenities — There are stools, chairs, and nooks mixed throughout, and there are restaurants and cafes nearby. Plenty of public parking across the street as well.

Location — Right in the heart of North Adams, surrounded by parking lots. I found it very easy to get there and leave town when I was finished.   

Customer Service — The staff I met were very friendly and kind, and you can tell they really love running a bookshop.

Overall — The Bear and Bee is a necessary addition to North Adams, offering both new and used books in a welcoming space full of interesting displays, unique gifts, excellent literary offerings, and great prices. Couldn’t ask for more.